I. The Origins Of The Feng Shui 风水

Although it is one of the oldest known disciplines, Feng Shui (Feng Shui literally translates as "wind-water") is relevant today, reflecting a sense of design and ecology that lends fluency to business environments and contemporary, personal lifestyles. Feng Shui is a guiding philosophy to bring harmony by looking at our environments and how the balance of energies created can effect every part of life.

Feng Shui is the art of placement - a guiding philosophy to bring harmony by looking at our environments and how the balance of energies can affect every part of life. All we are and do is connected to the environment, Mother Earth and Chi, the natural Order or Energy which permeates the universe. Feng Shui is a science incorporating astronomy, geography, the environment, the magnetic fields and physics. Feng Shui is not a religion or superstition - modern science has proven it to be a complex mathematical system.

But to talk about Feng Shui (pronounced fung shway) origins, first we must talk about I Ching. I Ching it's an ancient book which was the origin of the mathematics, astronomy, medicine, science and even the Kon Fu in the ancient China. The book not only contains the essence of the Chinese culture, but also it's been appreciated since the old times as an example to applicate scientific knowledgments, medicinal theories, astronomical studies, politic strategies, architecture, psicological analysis and, that's what interest us, home designs.

So the theory of the Feng Shui become from the I Ching. At the beginning, only the rich people -imperial and noble houses- could have access to this knowledgment called "Knowledgment of Kings and Emperors", because it was a secret knowledgment, just knew it by the most powerful and rich people of the Empire, to improve their power, fortune and health. It wasn't since 2.000 years ago that one emperor wanted to share this knowledgment with the people.

The first book written about Feng Shui was Zan Shu (by the master Kuo Po), written 1700 years ago. Another famous masters of these times were Yian Chou Kan , (the one who showed the use of the compass in the Feng Shui), Yang Yun Sung , author of Qing Lang Au Yu, Jiang Da Hong , author of Di Li Bian Zheng , Shui Long, Jin Wu Juan , Bao Zhao, Han Long or I Long.

1 comment:

Đồ gia dụng said...

Pham Cuong Feng Shui expert will help you to look at issues related to feng shui, age, see house age. You can see more information at nhaxuan.vn

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