Basic Rules of Feng Shui

Choosing the House

- It's advisable that the house's floor level will be the same as the street's floor level.
- It's advisable to keep the house clean, tidy, bright and with fresh air.
- Avoid irregular forms in the plan of the house.
- Avoid high houses (applied to houses, not flats) or low houses sorrounded by high houses.
- Avoid edges, roofs or corners of other houses pointing to your house.
- Avoid streets or roads pointing directly to your house


- Avoid edges, roofs or corners of other houses pointing to the entrance door.
- Avoid streets or roads pointing directly to the entrance door.
- Avoid columns, trees, stairs, mirrors and the bathroom's door just in front of the entrance door.
- Avoid to use black colour in this space. Better use a light colour.
- It's advisable to keep the door well cared, tidy and well-painted.


- It's advisable to keep it clean and tidy.
- If you have a fountains or ponds, keep the water clean and crystal clear.
- Avoid to use stones with irregular form, better use round shaped stones.
- Avoid small gardens crowded of huge and high trees. It must be enough space.

Sitting Room

- It's advisable that this room has the bigger space in the whole house and that it'll be full of light.
- It's advisable that this room will be close to the entrance of the house.
- Avoid dark colours or red colour in the walls, floor or ceiling.
- Avoid to use so many mirrors in that room, you should be very careful where do you put them.


- Avoid to situate it on a drane or septic tank.
- Avoid to locate it just in the middle of the house.


- Avoid to locate it in the middle of the house.
- Avoid that the bathroom's door will be in front of the entrance door, bedroom's door or in front of a desk or bed.
- Avoid to locate the bathroom on the other side of a wall that connects with the stoves of the kitchen, the headborad or side of a bed, a desk, the chair of the desk, etc.


- Avoid the bedroom will be located on or under a bathroom.
- Avoid the bedroom will be located on a stove.
- Avoid the bedroom will be located in front of streets or roads pointing directly to it.
- Avoid mirrors in front of the bedroom's entrance door.
- Avoid dark, strong or red colours, paintings or animal/wild nature drawings or pictures.


- Avoid that the bed will be in front of the entrance door, mirrors, bathroom's door, furniture edges and corners.
- Avoid that the bed will be under a beam or shelves.
- Avoid to have the wall in the right side of the bed.
- It's advisable to have the bed located in a way you can see the entrance from the bed.
- Avoid to have a mkirror that could reflect the bed (on the side, on the top).


- Avoid to use dark, strong colours as black or dark blue, and red colours as red, pink, strong orange.
- The rule is not only for the walls, also for the ceiling and floor.


- Avoid terror images, wild animals, disfigured images or very abstract paintings, etc.

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